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An Open Letter To All Authors, Coaches, Consultants, CEO’s, and Other Professionals Who Want to Sell MORE Products and Services …

Gain Expert Status And Become An In
Demand Public Speaker…and Make Your Income Skyrocket!

“Let me reveal to you the same secrets I’ve used for over 25 years as a professional public speaker and corporate humorist… techniques that allow me to charge up to $6000 and more for a 45 minute speech. PLUS I’ll show you how to get FREE Public Speaking Coaching from me.” (Value $125)

From the desk of Peter Fogel
Delray Beach, Florida 33446

Dear Future Public Speaker,

What you just read above is a real offer. FREE Public Speaking Coaching from me. (Shortly, I’ll tell you how to qualify for it.)

But for now, if you’re a motivated person whose career is really important to you, then you owe it to yourself to take just 8 minutes now and read this entire letter.

And that’s because nothing can quickly turbo-charge your sales, give you expert status, take your business to the next level … then becoming a powerful PUBLIC SPEAKER.

Whether you want to go full-time, or part-time, the advantages of public speaking are:

""You’re in the ultimate home based business (with deductions)

"" You have NO boss breathing down your neck

"" You’re paid what you are worth (or a whole lot more)

"" You can get your important message out to a targeted, hungry audience

"" You can IMMEDIATELY brand yourself (and sell MORE products and services)

"" You don’t have to cold call clients ever again (once they’ve heard you speak)

"" YOU choose the engagements you want to speak at! PLUS

"" FREE Travel is usually included with your engagement

"" On top of it, it’s a hell of a lot of fun!

Awarded over $11,000 worth of work
after speaking for just 45 minutes!

What I love about effective public speaking is that it gives you the opportunity to rise above your competition and grab market share. Effective public speaking allows you (in the shortest time possible) to get into the hearts and minds of your potential clients.

Best of all, effective public speaking gives you poise and confidence to present business proposals to your prospective client(s) so they have NO choice but to hire YOU!

How do I know this? Because I’ve experienced it over and over again in my own career. As a marketing consultant and copywriter I have NEVER not gotten clients from a speaking engagement.

In fact, at one seminar I received $11, 245 worth of consulting and writing assigments. (This, after speaking for just 45 minutes.) And now I am going to show you how to master this powerful needed skill so you can duplicate my success.

Hi… I’m Speaker/Humorist/Author Peter Fogel. During my stand up comedy and speaking career, I’ve held the attention of audiences of all shapes and sizes for more three decades.

Young people, seniors, corporate executives, even sitcom studio audiences that consist of foreign tourists on such shows as Married With Children, Whoopi with Whoopi Goldberg, The Howie Mandel Show, Unhappily Ever After, Hope and Faith (to name just a few) …

Perhaps you’ve seen me on late night television comedy shows like Evening at the Improv, Carolines Comedy Hour, Rick Dees Into the Nite, HBO’s Comedy Central.

As a proud member of the National Speakers Association I have done scores of speaking engagements across the country for major corporations and associations.

Now, I just shared my background with you NOT to brag, but to let you know that “I’ve been there… and done it.”

And because I have, I know my experience can give you the confidence to communicate with any group… any time… or any place! And to begin, I promise to help you

Conquer the #1 fear that people have!

And that’s (you guessed it) PUBLIC SPEAKING! Polls show that it’s #1 on list of phobias!

Know what’s #7? Death. Believe or not, Public Speaking strikes more fear into people than death. (What could be worse? Saying some parting words at your own execution? But, I digress.)

I’ll be frank with you. Yes, in the beginning giving public speeches might get you stressed, give you butterflies in your stomach with your legs feeling like jelly. (Everybody goes through this, even me!)

But here’s the reality: If you want to be considered a leader in your field … if you want long term business success and your income soaring… well, my friend, you are absolutely going to have to going to have to eliminate any public speaking phobia or stage fright you have once and for all.

The good news is I am going to help you overcome this fear quicker than you though possible! Work with me and allow me to give you the ” tricks of my trade” then fine tune these techniques with stage time… and you will! GUARANTEED!

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Want Real Success? Want to play with the big boys?
Then learn the effective public
speaking skills they know!

Research and history have show that some of the greatest, most influential people of all time, have ONE thing in common… each one knew how to speak confidently in public and influence their audiences. (Presidential elections were won on the strength of speaking and giving people your ideas!)

Need further proof that you need to learn this skill?

  • Studies show that 87% of a person’s income is directly attributed to that person’s ability to confidently speak in public.
  • You know this yourself. There is a certain amount of respect that individuals receive when they can stand on their feet and convey their ideas effectively. Why? Well, simply put with public speaking they’re doing what 95% of the people in the audience WISH they could do. (How’s that for power over the masses?)

But what about you? What do you think you can earn with the right training? How do you think your business can drastically change when using this persuasive skill with your targeted audience? And do you know…

The best part about public speaking? You don’t have to be that good! (At least not in the beginning…)

Platinum PackageWhat does this mean? It means, you can store your worries in the ovehead bin.

And that’s because when starting out you don’t have to be brilliant, witty, or perfect to succeed (early on in your career.) Like any other worth while skill that’s important to you, you CAN overcome your fear of public speaking and become more proficient at it. (Once you take the necessary steps and work at it.)

Know this: If you can talk one-on-one to someone from the heart, and have knowledge you want to share… practice the necessary ins and outs of the profession (that I will share with you) then you can effectively talk in front of any size group and have your audience eating out of the palm of your hand.

I want you to picture yourself RIGHT NOW feeling so confident in public that nothing throws you.

I want you to imagine your creative juices flowing that you become so confident that you can eventually create your own speeches and presentations…

I want you to see yourself getting so jazzed because you’re going to launch a new career and share your expetise with others. AND most importantly, I want you know how it feels to speak to your captured audience in a calm, assertive, persuasive manner.

Passion & knowledge = BIG profits

Wondering why type of speaker should you be? Naturally, it’s vital to KNOW yourself and the subject matter you’re speaking on. So ask yourself:

1) What is your business background?
2) What are your interests and hobbies that you have passion for?
3) What do you really know and are best at?

Now, if you answered the questions in detail then you can open a door to a whole new career as a public speaker.

You see, the quickest way to do that is to focus on becoming “rich within your niche.” So what are you really an expert at? As I stated earlier, I am a copywriter and marketing consultant.

This is what I do daily. I am also a humorist/writer. I know how to empower people to take action, change their lives… using the power of humor.

In both the above mentioned fields I have a track record and produce results. That’s why I feel very comfortable speaking on those subjects. I proudly “walk my talk!”

But, this isn’t about me. It’s about you!

If you’re an expert on a subject with “real world” experience, or will put the time in to acquire the knowledge on your specific topic—then you can enter this rewarding field.

Let me “show you the money”

As a FEE based speaker (for a corporation) I earn between $3500 to $6000 for one 45 minute key-note presentation. PLUS I put into my contract that I can sell products in the back of the room as well. (Another $2500-$3000?) Well, you can do the same.

So can you see how this all adds up? There are plenty of subjects to speak on: sales, diversity, leadershop, humor, women’s issues, etc.

And here’s a proven rule of thumb: If someone else is speaking on the topic, then there’s an audience for it. You just have to do your home work and discover who your niche audience is that’ll PAY to have you speak to them.

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Just Say, “Yes!” And let me help
release the Public Speaker inside of You!

And a solid first step to figuring this all out and to making your speaking dream a reality is to get my Guide To Effective Public Speaking DVD, CD, E-book program.

It covers beginning to intermediate aspect of public speaking, from the practical details of presentations to the psychological issues of inspiring an audience.

Insightful and compelling, my program will be a handy resource for information on the public speaker’s most pressing questions … and is especially useful as a primer for those who are new to the field.

Every chapter is full of expert advice and practical information that I’ve learned the hard way or had gotten from top-gun speakers from the National Speakers Association.

Just look at what you’re going to receive to put you on the path to public speaking success! It’s my “Win Over Any Audience” Proven Platform Secrets of a Stand-Comic That’ll Make You A Powerful Public Speaker” E-book ($47 Value)

This is “The Big Kahuna!” Over 150 page of rock-solid content that can help turn you into a mean, lean, public speaking machine. I am very proud it.

That’s because I give you my 25 + years of being an actor, comedian, speaker and sitcom audience warm-up. I wrote this e-book with one goal in mind: To show you how to engage ANY audience… any time… at any venue!

Book Image Win Over Any AudienceThis is just a taste of what you will discover:

""The # 1 universal secret to public speaking that’ll allow you to break every conventional rule and still enable you to connect with your audience.

""“The Secret” that can help you over come your fear of public speaking.

""Experiencing brain fog while on the platform? No problem! This proven, quick-action technique will help get your message back on track again in no time flat (And your audience won’t even notice what happened)

""A simple, but effective “Visual” technique that can help build instant rapport with your audience.

""WARNING: Don’t say this one thing at the beginning of your presentation.(If you do, you’ll reek of amateur hour and lose the respect of your audience.)

""How learning this “comedy skill” skill can give a speaker spontaneity and freedom to craft great speeches and develop a powerful connection with your audience. (Hint: Using it helped launch the careers of great comedians like Bill Murray, Robin Williams, and Mike Meyers)

""How the President of the United States can help you develop a powerful message that’ll resonate with your audience.

""The simple, but effective P.R.E.P.A.R.E. method and how it can help you create a memorable speech quicker than you thought possible.

""The 5 W’s that can help you develop a strong speech (Hint: Journalists use them all the time! Why? Because they work)

""Good and bad body language habits that can make or break your speech (and how to correct the bad ones FAST!)

""Perfect this “One Skill” to an art form and you can easily BOOST your reputation and demand higher speaking fees!

""16 critical questions to ask your client if you want to give a firing-on-all cylinders, powerful presentation! (Surprisingly, some veteran speakers don’t ask them)

""4 types of speeches to give (and the ways to choose which is a good fit for your personality)

""Learn this easy-to-do Robert Deneiro “acting technique” and you’ll add depth and spontaneity to your presentation—guaranteed!

""Execute this one simple technique and effortlessly bond, build trust and rapport with your listeners in seconds.

Here’s the truth: The heavier your message or the drier the subject matter you are presenting, the more HUMOR you need to grab and keep your audience’s attention. And that’s exactly what you will learn with my…

“Making The Bucks For Getting The Yuks”

Sure-Fire Comedy Secrets For Speakers
That Can Help You Earn $500- $5000 a Month
Making People LAUGH—Without Having to Be a
Comedian! E-book ($47 Value)

Making The Bucks For Getting The YuksHeres the nitty-gritty: No matter how much wonderful, life enhancing content you want to deliver, audiences will never tolerate boring speakers. On the flip side audiences LOVE speakers who engage them with effective humor!

It is with out a doubt Humor is am important ingredient that every speaker (beginner, intermediate, and especially a pro) should know how to to use.

Humor anchors your important content or message into the hearts and minds of your listeners and makes your presentation memorable.

Now, you will have the tools to do it with my 95 page guide, “Making the Bucks For Getting the Yuks.”

Here I pull back the curtain and show you how to release “your inner funny bone” and make ANY audience laugh! In this manual you are going to learn…

Inside comedy secrets that Ray Romano and Jerry Seinfeld Use to make any audience convulse with LAUGHTER! (It’s not HARD once you know the secret)

""How to use POWERFUL “humor” callbacks to get optimal audience response. (This simple technique works like a charm every time)

""How to “trick” your friends into telling you what is funny (before using it on the platform that night)

""Why you want to let your “jokes” breathe (if you don’t the joke fails)

""The secret to always fitting the right humor to your captivating story

""How to Give a FREE Speech (with humor) and still make LOTS of money!

And if that’s not enough, you’ll also get the the perfect compliment to my “Making The Bucks” e-book with my…

A soup-to-nuts DVD that shows you the
‘ins and outs’ of how to effectively use humor
in every speech you give (Value $37)

In public speaking if you’re audience is “laughing,” then they’re “listening.” Which is why I created this DVD, aptly called: How To Mesmerize Any Audience With HUMOR!

This was a recorded live presentation that I gave to business owners. I “practice what I preach” and will show you, (even if you’ve never told a joke before in front of an audience), how to keep any speech or presentation alive with humor-that’s juuuuuuuuuuuust right for you. (And NO, you don’t have to be a stand-up comic to do it.)

Think Magician’s are geniuses or any better than you? NO, EVERTHING – I mean EVERYTHING they do is a “trick” or technique that they’ve used over and over again. Most of all, it’s one that you can probably learn yourself.

Well, I’m going to show you easy-to-lean techinques that humorists and comedians use every night in front of their fans! And guess what? It’s NOT rocket science. Once you break it down and understand why it works, you can easily infuse humor into any presenation!

On this DVD you will watch me in action show you…

""The secret of the “run” that’ll ALWAYS get an audience to APPLAUD you after you do it.

""How to immediately create empathy with your listeners so they LIKE you immediately-and LAUGH (at the right time.)

""When’s the best time to use humor for optimal results (The answer might surprise you!)

""How to take a simple “old joke” and make it into an endearing and humorous story that works perfectly for your situation.

""What HUMOR is effective… and what HUMOR you should avoid. (It’s a no-brainer)

On my DVD you’ll WATCH me use each technique. Then I’ll break it down and show you why it worked so you can get the same results! Need more revenue? (Well, these days who doesn’t?)

That’s why I want to give you…

Selling Products From
The Platform E-book
(Value $47)

FACT! Being a Keynote Public Speaker and delivering your core message is one thing… selling products for BIG PROFITS in the back of the room is another. Remember: To increase your revenue you ABSOLUTELY have to think of yourself as a busines, even when delivering a presentation.

In this rich content filled e-book you will discover the ins and outs of adding “mucho dinero” to your bank account… the right way. I use this manual as my own personal “Bible” for platform selling, and now you can too: Here’s just a sampling of what you will learn.

""How to strategically place your products so you don’t turn off your prospects.

""The Power of the “Meet And Greet” so you can immediately bond with your audience and generate bigger sales revenue.

""A simple strategy to use that will get an association to help sell YOUR products!The three tiered pricing equation that you should stick to if you want your audience to do business with you.

""Why picking a niche will allow you to price your product(s) higher.

Five e-mail public speaking “personal coaching” consultations

5 Free Coaching Consultations Certificate This is where you get to pick my brain. Here’s why: I’ve written and punched up jokes for celebrities such as Academy Award Nominee Chazz Palminteri (A Bronx Tale, Bullets Over Broadway) as well as for the writing team of Blake and Jackson (The Adventures of Lois and Clark, She Spies) and for Columbia Tri-Star International Television.

When I’m hired to consult or brought in as a “humor trouble shooter” I usually charge upwards around $125 an hour of my time.

So here’s how I can benefit you: If you ever have a question about the public speaking industry or on how to effectively use humor in a speech … or if you’re offered a speaking engagement and need some feedback to fine tune your performance (or a little hand holding) … then you’ll receive a special e-mail address that’s reserved for my coaching clients.

And get this: if I can’t respond fully via e-mail, then I’ll consult with you on the phone. What could be easier?

Still wondering if I can help you become an effective and powerful speaker? Well, don’t take my word for it… just read what others say about my public speaking ability… but more importantly: how I can help you with yours.



Wait! I’m not done yet!

You get 4 FREE bonuses worth over $100
BONUS #1 – “Speak & Grow Rich” Tele-seminar with Bryan Caplovitz (Value $27)

Here is a heavy content, fun-filled hour where Bryan of grilled me about inside tips, tricks, and strategies that any beginner or intermediate speaker can use right now to launch their careers for optimal results. Listen and you will learn:

""3 key points that you MUST HIT for your presentation to resonate with your audience.

""How to get “Out of Your Head” and NOT worry about being perfect when giving a speech.

""Presenting the “Human Touch” so you can effectively get into the hearts and minds of your audience.

""Discover how to break “The Fourth Wall” with your audience and connect even stronger with them.

""Think you should write out your speech before presenting it? (Think again! Use this simple stress free technique instead!)

"" 5 important things to know when starting your speaking career that’ll save you time, money, and aggravation.

""The 4w’s that every effective speaker covers in their speech or presentation.

""How to use the “Power of Silence” in your speech to resonate loudly with your audience.

BONUS #2 One hour no-holds barred interview with Info Marketing Guru FRED GLEECK CD ($27 Value)

Now you can get inside the head of speaker/author/seminar leader extraordinaire FRED “The King of Content” GLEECK. Known as “The Product Guru,” Fred’s an expert in the field of Information and Seminar Marketing. He’s also the author of 10+ books PLUS is an accomplished coach and consultant.

I’ve experienced Fred running a seminar and literally speaking for 5 hours straight. On this BONUS CD you’ll here me interview him on his public speaking insights. You will discover:

""How to make boat loads of money without going through a speaker’s bureau.

""Motivational or platform speaking? Here’s how to decide what’s right for you.

""The absolute best way for a speaker to start his or her own career.

""The #1 skill a speaker should have if he wants to beat out the competition (The answer might surprise you)

""The no-nonsense start up costs to running your own successful seminar business.

PLUS a whole lot more.

What seperates average speakers from GREAT speakers? It’s their story telling prowess. An NBA player NEEDS a high verticle leap to succeed in the pros. And EVERY speaker must learn to “hook and hold” an audience is with a story.

Now, you’re in luck with …

BONUS #3 How to keep your audience spell bound with a captivating story CD ($27 Value)

Dr. Rob Gilbert, one of the world’s leading experts on Sport Psychology, will show you how to do it. As a professor at Montclair State University he has spent the last 20 years researching the mental skills of the world’s greatest athletes, most successful business executives, and highest earning sales people.

As a professional speaker, he’s addressed hundreds of audiences as diverse as the cadets at the United States Military Academy to Fortune 500 executives. For the last 10 years he’s taught his “Story Telling” concepts At The New School.

Dr. Gilbert will break down the elements of powerful story telling and show you how you can create your own signature “tales” that audiences will love to hear over and over again.

Bonus # 4 How to gain expert status CD ($27 Value)

Okay! You’re a salesman, speaker, author, business owner, or marketer with a cool product or service who NOW craves media exposure so you can LEAP over your competition… gain expert status… and get your income to the soar! Well, you can – but you’ll have to this listen to this remarkable, content-filled CD to get the inside scoop on how to do it!

It’s all yours from one of the top industry publicists on the planet (Sshh… she asked me to keep her name a secret until you listen to the CD) This top-gun PR person will describe how you can craft the perfect “trash proof” news release that will have the media BANGING down your door to get on their show!

(It’s easier than you think… once you know the secret!) You’ll want to take notes on what this top-gun pr expert teaches you on this CD.

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I challenge you right now…

…to find another program, at this price, that delivers on what I am going to give you. (I checked, there is none.)

I am telling you, you can surf on the Internet ’til your hands cramp up and your eyes blur… and you WON’T find a resource that delivers this content PLUS includes FREE Public Speaking coaching.

So why am I giving you such a great “no brainer” deal? It’s simple: I want you as a life long client. That’s right, I want as many THRILLED clients as I can get for my files and for future promotions. (Yes, a little self serving, but I am being honest.)

Not to mention that I really THRIVE on helping people reach their goals. (That’s why I became a speaker) and how I am wired!

I get a real satisfaction knowing I helped someone overcome their fear of public speaking… or how I propelled them to grow as a speaker using the tools that great actors, comedians, and seminar leaders use to infuse HUMOR into their presenations!

So let me ask you…

How much would you pay if I could help increase your self-confidence? A self-confidence that allows you DOMINATE your marketplace as an author or entrepenuer.

How much would it be worth it to you if I gave you the proven TOOLS to to help BOOST your revenue through public speaking? (Not to mention showing you how to SELL more of your products and services at top dollar.)

Now, before you answer… let me tell you that I’ve talked to a few of my colleagues. And they tell me my whole program (which comes with FREE e-mail coaching) is easily worth $299 (And even then it would be a bargain.)

But then I thought I want everyone to get a taste of the rewarding and lucrative world of public speaking. So before I give you the amazing LOW price, let’s do a…

Recap of what you will get

  1. Win Over Any Audience e-book (Value: $47)
  2. Making The Bucks for Getting The Yuks e-book (Value: $47)
  3. How to Sell More Products from the Platform e-book (Value: $47)
  4. How To Mesmerize Any Audience With Humor DVD (Value: $37)
  5. How to keep your audience spell Bound with a Captivating Story CD (Value: $27)
  6. SpeakerMatch Tele-Seminar CD (Value:$27)
  7. How To Gain Expert Status CD (Value: $27)
  8. Interview with Info Marketing Guru Fred Gleeck CD (Value: $27)
  9. 5 Coaching e-mails (Value: $125)

TOTAL VALUE: $411. But again, you won’t pay close to that… My complete Guide to Effective Public Speaking program is yours for the low price of just $197. That’s right, just $197! (That’s over a $200 savings.)

PLUS for a limited time only I’ll even pay for the shipping! (Another $8.95 savings!)

Think about it: For about $5 a day you can be on your way to learning a highly sort after skill that will pay you back in dividends (and then some) public speaking.


And have no worries, you have my…


Vincent Van Gogh said, “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together”.

That’s how you accomplish your goals and go on to be an effective public speaker. Let’s put you on the road to great things TODAY!

To your speaking success,

Signature Peter Fogel

NSA Member

Pres. Fortune 500 Comedy Communications-Delray Beach, Florida. Phone: 561-245-5252 (Yes, I pick up my own phone.)

P.S. Remember: you are getting up to 5 e-mail coaching sessions once you buy my program. I will answer any concerns you have about the speaking profession or about how to apply humor in your next speech or presentation.

PSs Don’t forget to take advantage of my FREE 7 Days to Effective Public Speaking e-course… (Value $55) Let me give you my over twenty-five years of experience and join one of the most lucrative and in-demand skills on the planet: public speaking.

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